Coulsdon Community Centre Association – Equality Policy
Coulsdon Community Centre Association is committed to opposing discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst users of the Centre.
Our aim is that our users and hirers will be truly representative of all sections of society and each and every user feels respected.
To that end the purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness to all users and hirers and not to discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.
We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and our commitment is that all users and hirers of Coulsdon Community Centre will be treated fairly and with respect.
Breaches of our equality policy should be reported to the Centre’s administrator in the first instance on 01737 554220 or by email:
Any reported breaches will be reviewed by the General Committee of the Association and could result in cancellation of hire agreements for users found to be in infringement of this policy.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
The General Committee of Coulsdon Community Centre Association
January 2019
Coulsdon Community Centre Association – Health and Safety Policy
Coulsdon Community Centre Association will take reasonable measures to make sure the Centre and its equipment are maintained to a standard that provides a safe environment for our users. The building will be regularly checked for faults but please report any defects to the the Centre’s administrator on 01737 554220 or by email:
An accident book is kept beneath the sink in the kitchen along with a basic first aid kit. The accident book should be used to record the details of any accidents at the time they occur. The Centre’s administrator will check this weekly. We realise that some user groups will have their own Accident Books. However we cannot accept any responsibility for any accidents not logged in the Community Centre’s Accident Book. User groups should make sure that in case of medical emergencies they have a working mobile phone with them at all times.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building. Please dispose of cigarette ends in the wall-mounted ashtray provided beside the main entrance.
The security/emergency lighting and alarm system is regularly checked and tested by a qualified contractor.
People using the building are requested to familiarise themselves with the fire exits. Users should maintain a register and in the event of a fire, a designated person should be responsible for taking it out of the building. The designated person should make sure everyone on the register is accounted for.
Anyone discovering a fire should raise the alarm by using one of the break-glass devices. Evacuate the building and assemble at the marked fire assembly point inside the main gates. The group leader should call the emergency services. Evacuated people should remain together at the assembly point. Under no circumstances should anyone return to the building until it is deemed safe to do so by the fire service.
User groups are responsible for carrying out their own periodic fire drills, at least anually. User groups are asked not to use the break-glass devices during fire drills. Improper use will result in the group being charged for replacement. Fire extinguishers are provided and maintained. Coulsdon Community Centre Association does not recommend these are used. Any person using the fire extinguishers does so at their own risk. Do not obstruct fire exits/routes with furniture or equipment, or leave unsecured inflammable materials within the community centre.
Hygiene and tidiness
Coulsdon Community Centre Association employs cleaners to make sure the building is kept clean and tidy. We also ask that all users take responsibility for cleaning up after their activities, throwing away any rubbish generated by their session, safely tidying away their equipment to avoid trip, falling, or other hazards, and stacking tables and chairs etc. Please leave the rooms as you would wish to find them. If there are any problems, please advise the Centre’s administrator on 01737 554220 or by email:
Rubbish bags should be placed in the large rubbish bin provided in front of the building, making sure that any broken glass or sharp objects left for disposal are safely wrapped and left in separate marked bags. A separate bin is provided for glass bottle recycling, so please make sure these are not disposed of in general rubbish bins.
Security and Personal Safety
Coulsdon Community Centre Association will take reasonable measures to make sure the building is kept secure. All users and keyholders should make sure that the building is secure when they leave: all internal doors must be locked, windows shut, external doors fitted with exit bars shut, and the main front doors deadlocked top and bottom. Under no circumstances should the building remain unlocked when there is no one in the premises.
We do not recommend people are alone in the building, but we recognise on occasions this cannot be avoided. If you have to be alone, we recommend that the main door is locked behind you – provided you still have two clear fire escape routes available.
Coulsdon Community Centre Association maintains public liability insurance for its own activities, but users are advised that they need to make sure they have adequate insurance cover for their own activities. Coulsdon Community Centre Association accepts no responsibility for the property of groups using the building, it is suggested that you obtain your own insurance for your own belongings if appropriate.
Electrical Equipment
Coulsdon Community Centre Association arranges for a portable appliance testing to be done bi-annually, on all communal electrical items that we know are used in the building. Items belonging to individual user groups should be tested at appropriate regular intervals and this should be organised and paid for by the specific group. Each appliance will be labelled stating the date of the check. Any items that fail the test will also be labelled and should not be used again. The owner should arrange for the item to be disposed of. It is the responsibility of user groups to make sure that any electrical appliance (old or new) brought into the centre, meets the safety test requirements. The General Committee reserves the right to remove any electrical item without a PASS sticker.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
The General Committee of Coulsdon Community Centre Association
January 2019
Snow Policy
Coulsdon Community Centre operates on an approved keyholder basis, and is therefore always available to hirers (keyholders) at their agreed scheduled times, even in the event of snow.
We have arrangements in place to clear a path from the gates to the main doors in the event of snow.
We cannot guarantee to clear the entire car park area of snow, nor the access road (Barrie Close). We will do our best to clear as much snow as possible so that drivers can access the Centre’s grounds, but we cannot guarantee vehicluar access. Parking at the Centre is, as always, at the driver’s own risk.
Access on foot will always be possible – although walking in snowy conditions on public thoroughfares or private property is always at the individual’s own risk.
If there is sufficient snow lying on the approach to the Centre and in the car park, that hirers who rely on a majority of participants driving to the Centre are unable to run an effective session, then the Coulsdon Community Centre Association will, exceptionally and as a goodwill gesture, refund the cost of any sessions abandoned in this way. The Coulsdon Community Centre Association will not refund the cost of any sessions abandoned if the Centre is accessible by car, but snow in other areas makes it difficult for hirers to attend scheduled sessions at the Centre.